[Logcheck-devel] RFA: Need script to pull rules from pkgs

Todd Troxell ttroxell at debian.org
Thu Mar 24 21:57:57 UTC 2005

Hello all,

I've got a potentially fun project for anyone who's interested and has the
time.  In order to use package-specific logcheck rules outside of Debian,
users would have to find the containing package and pull the rules from the
file.  [Because for example we not ship sendmail rules in logcheck-database.]

I'd like to have a script that can perform this on all packages that include
rules that could be used to include those rules in our source package at
release time.

I imagine it would start by reading [0] and grab the .debs, extract and copy,
but I'm open to ideas.  If there is no interest in this, I will probably do
it myself eventually.



[   Todd J. Troxell                                         ,''`.
      Student, Debian GNU/Linux Developer, SysAdmin, Geek  : :' :
      http://debian.org || http://rapidpacket.com/~xtat    `. `' 
                                                             `-     ]
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