[Logcheck-devel] Re: [Logcheck-commits] CVS logcheck/rulefiles/linux/ignore.d.server
Jamie L. Penman-Smithson
lists at silverdream.org
Tue May 10 00:42:16 UTC 2005
On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 00:29 +0000, CVS User jlps-guest wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/rulefiles/linux/ignore.d.server
> In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv27599
> Modified Files:
> innd
> Log Message:
> Add rule for innfeed, some minor changes and add rule for "ME time" messages with "artlog/artparse"
> --- /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/rulefiles/linux/ignore.d.server/innd 2005/02/25 00:06:58 1.13
> +++ /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/rulefiles/linux/ignore.d.server/innd 2005/05/10 00:29:33 1.14
> +^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ innfeed\[[0-9]+\]: [._[:alnum:]-]+:[0-9]+ cxnsleep connect: Connection refused$
I've had second thoughts about this.. While news might not be a
"critical" service, it's possible that someone might want to see log
messages concerning the failure of one of their peers..
To me, it's unnecessarily annoying and I know that the peer in question
will probably bounce back soon, but I don't run a news server at
$BIGSITE and have hundreds or thousands of people depending on my news
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