[Logcheck-devel] Bug#311216: logcheck: mails "egrep: Invalid content of \{\}"

John A. Martin jam at jamux.com
Mon May 30 18:28:16 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Jamie" == Jamie L Penman-Smithson
>>>>> "Re: Bug#311216: logcheck: mails "egrep: Invalid content of \{\}""
>>>>>  Mon, 30 May 2005 17:58:30 +0100

    Jamie> Hi John,
    >> Mail sent by logcheck
    >> ,----
    >> From: root at lists.jamux.org (Cron Daemon)
    >> Subject: Cron <logcheck at lists>    if [ -x /usr/sbin/logcheck ]; then
    >> nice -n10 /usr/sbin/logcheck; fi
    >> To: root at lists.jamux.org
    >> Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 18:02:09 -0400 (EDT)
    >> egrep: Invalid content of \{\}
    >> `----
    >> egrep: Invalid content of \{\} `----

    Jamie> I can't reproduce this at all, which makes me think there's
    Jamie> something different on your system that is causing this
    Jamie> bug.

Hmm... I have several boxen each doing the same with yesterday's
upgrade.  It looks like the problem occurs on boxen with mixed
stable/unstable but not on Sid boxen.

    Jamie> ^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ squid\[[0-9]+\]:
    Jamie> WARNING: found whitespace in HTTP header name {Cache
    Jamie> Control: no-cache}$

    Jamie> With this rule, egrep parses it fine:

    Jamie> D: [1117469713] cleanchecked - dir - /tmp/logcheck.fb7dSc/ignore/spamd
    Jamie> D: [1117469713] cleanchecked - dir - /tmp/logcheck.fb7dSc/ignore/squid
    Jamie> D: [1117469714] cleanchecked - dir - /tmp/logcheck.fb7dSc/ignore/ssh

    Jamie> However, since there is nothing to lose by escaping the
    Jamie> {}'s, I've modified that rule in CVS.

It looks like maybe grep-2.4.2-3 gives the problem while
grep-2.5.1.ds1-4 does not.  That is not tested, just something that
differs between the boxen showing the problem and one that doesn't.  I
didn't notice before because the Sid box doesn't normally do logcheck.


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