Bug#336265: [Logcheck-devel] Bug#336265: logrotate detection, possible attack not checked by logcheck

Todd Troxell ttroxell at debian.org
Sat Oct 29 09:38:18 UTC 2005

On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 03:10:51AM +0200, TsT wrote:
> My proposed Fix:
> -	if [[ $(wc -c < "$file") -lt $(tail -n 1  "$offsetfile") ]]; then
> +	INODEOFFSET=$(head -n 1 < $offsetfile)
> +	#INODEFILE=$(ls -id $file) ;# not run with symlink.
> +	INODEFILE=$(find $file -follow -printf "%i")
> +	if [[ $INODEFILE -eq $INODEOFFSET ]]; then

This is looking like a potentially good solution.  The thing is, even our
rotation code will only look at file.0, so one could attack and then spam
syslog for 2 files and be in the clear.

I think what we really need is something to handle multiple rotated files,
and in that case, it might be better to extend logtail instead.

Todd Troxell

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