Bug#341957: [Logcheck-devel] Bug#341957: does not handle splitted amavisd-new loglines

Jamie L. Penman-Smithson jamie at silverdream.org
Sun Feb 12 23:53:09 UTC 2006

reassign 341957 amavisd-new
retitle 341957 amavisd-new: logcheck rules don't match split log lines

On 4 Dec 2005, at 12:58, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> If you run amavisd-new on a mailing-list, messages with multiple
> recipients can generate a very long log lines. These lines are
> splitted like this (email addresses removed)
> Dec  4 11:21:07 lorien amavis[10426]: (10426-06-6) Passed,  
> <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxxxxx> ->  
> <xxxx at xxxxxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxxxx 
> xxxxx at xxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxx at xxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxx at xxxxxxxx>,<xxxx at xxxxxxxx>,< 
> xxxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxx>,<xxxx at xxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,<xx 
> xxxx at xxxxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxx at xxxxxxxxxxx>,<xxxxxxx 
> x at xxxxxxx>,<xxxxx at xxxxxxxxxxxx>,<xxx at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I think is enought to add:
> amavis\[[0-9]+\]: +(\([-0-9]+\) +)?\.\.\.

This is far too broad.

The amavisd-new rules are supplied by the amavisd-new package,  
therefore I'm reassigning this bug to amavisd-new.


-Jamie L. Penman-Smithson <jamie at silverdream.org>
  t: +44 1273 424795; f: +44 1273 424795
  PGP: C0A7 955E EED6 A309 23D7 863B C76A 26A3 F0DC FCA8
  never send mail to: oubliette.z at gmail.com

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