Bug#377618: [Logcheck-devel] Bug#377618: logcheck: Please do not abuse debconf

Thomas Huriaux thomas.huriaux at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 12:52:53 UTC 2006

maximilian attems <maks at sternwelten.at> (20/07/2006):
> tags 377618 -patch
> tags 377618 wontfix
> severity 377618 wishlist
> stop and no thanks
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 01:13:45PM +0200, Thomas Huriaux wrote:
> <snipp> 
> > No, the argument of the priority is not valid. The lowest the priority
> > is, the more experienced the user is expected to be. An experienced user
> > usually knows where to find the relevant doc, and expects to find it at
> > the right place.
> > Moreover, as I said in my previous mail, you should use debconf to
> > _configure_ the package, not to tell the user he/she can configure it.
> > I therefore attach a patch to configure with debconf the two related
> > items. Please check it carefully as I made it quickly.
> big NACK,
> this is a real policy violation,
> one is not allowed to change configfiles with debconf.
> you would need to put it into /etc/defaults/logcheck.

I don't see any policy violation. I just copy/pasted and adapted the
example in debconf-devel(7). If I missed something, please consider
fixing it and not just marking the bug as wontfix.
What you are saying about /etc/default/ is for init scripts, as far as I
understand the policy.

> and as you currently failed to convince me politely,
> downgrading this "bug".

I fail to find where I haven't been polite. I have used a direct and
not-flourished style, that's all. If I've said something inappropriate,
believe me, I'm sorry about it.

> > See also policy 3.9.1:
> > 
> >   Packages should try to minimize the amount of prompting they need to do
> > 
> > You seem to use debconf only because it is "more effective"
> please notice the subtle _should_

Sure, but my bug was not "serious", it was only "minor".

Thomas Huriaux
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