Bug#368318: [Logcheck-devel] Bug#368318: logcheck-database: update for postfix violations ignore rule

Jamie L. Penman-Smithson jamie at silverdream.org
Sun Jun 4 21:36:08 UTC 2006

package logcheck-database
tags 368318 pending

On 21 May 2006, at 13:09, Martin Lohmeier wrote:
> Package: logcheck-database
> Severity: normal

Next time please could you include the version.

> there is little problem with one rule in violations.ignore.d/ 
> logcheck-postfix.
> The rule is only for the host sythos.net and the delay need to be  
> variable (it's
> possible that the retry happen before 300 seconds are over).
> I don't have an example because on my site only recipients are  
> greylisted.

This will be fixed in the next release.

Thanks for your bug report!

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