[Logcheck-devel] Bug#542663: logcheck: /etc/cron.d/logcheck runs too often (now every 2 hours)

Frédéric Brière fbriere at fbriere.net
Fri Aug 21 00:14:29 UTC 2009

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 08:51:21PM +0300, Jari Aalto wrote:
> This is extremely too often. Getting huge number of mail every two
> hours is filling in the mailboxes.

Actually, it is every hour (at x:02).  But if logcheck is sending you
crap every hour, you need better rules, not a lazier schedule.  That'd
be like unplugging your smoke detector instead of moving it further from
the kitchen.

Could you file bug reports for the messages that are getting through?

> A more appropriate default would be every 24h (once a day).

I can't speak for other people, but when I was sysadmin, I wanted to be
informed of any problems *now*, not the day after.

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