[Logcheck-devel] Bug#517615: logcheck-database: Duplicate ignore.d.server rules for inn2 new server

Frans Pop elendil at planet.nl
Sat Feb 28 22:53:47 UTC 2009

On Saturday 28 February 2009, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Saturday 28 February 2009, Russ Allbery wrote:
> > The one that comes with logcheck is probably for inn (not inn2).  Not
> > that this necessarily solves the problem....
> Oops, yes. I somewhat knew inn still existed in Etch, but had failed to
> check if that was still the case for lenny.
> In that case it probably makes sense to move the innd file from
> logcheck-database to inn. The rules overlap to a large extend, so
> having both installed really does not make much sense.

Or, perhaps easier, drop the rules file from the inn2 package and let the 
one from logcheck-database cover both, at least until such time as inn is 
dropped from the archive.
AFAICT the current rules files are effectively identical.


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