[Logcheck-devel] Bug#475553: Patch for logcheck-rules

Ralf Döblitz r.doeblitz at asco.de
Tue Aug 23 09:22:47 UTC 2011

after we switched to rsyslog with high precision timestamps logcheck did 
not match the timestamps any more. A patch adding the high precision 
timestamp format is attached. The rules now match both the traditional 
timestamp format and the high precision timestamp format (with or without 

Yours sincerely,
Ralf Döblitz
Ralf Döblitz
r.doeblitz at asco.de
Tel 0531/3906-116

asco GmbH
Mittelweg 7
38106 Braunschweig

Tel 0531/3906-0
Fax 0531/3906-400

Amtsgericht Braunschweig HRB 5035
Geschäftsführer Jochen Grote
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