[Logcheck-devel] ignore list for clamav-freshclam

Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta agi at inittab.org
Tue Feb 16 09:13:50 UTC 2016

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:58:19PM +0100, Steffen Langenbach wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope I'm writing to the right list, please tell me if not.
> As far as I have seen there is no ignore list for clamav-freshclam in
> the git repository. In the last couple of weeks after setting up
> logcheck I created an ignore list for freshclam.
> My question now is if you are interested in this list and if yes, how I
> can submit it to the project? Should I submit it first to this mailing
> list for discussion?
> Regards,
> Steffen

Hi Steffen,

Please fill a wishlist bug report with your suggested ignore list.



Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta    | Formación, consultoría y soporte técnico
mailto/sip: agi at inittab.org | en GNU/Linux y software libre
Encrypted mail preferred    | http://inittab.com

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