[Logcheck-devel] Bug#872463: dhclient regex misses 7 length dhclient xid

Joshua Powers josh.powers at canonical.com
Thu Aug 17 17:12:52 UTC 2017

Package: logcheck
Version: 1.3.18

The regex for dhclient assumes the xid on a dhclient request will always
be 8 in length. However, if there is a leading 0 this is dropped and the
length is then 7. Technically, this could be even 6 or less if there
were additional leading zeros. Here is an example message not caught:

Aug 17 16:43:47 xenial dhclient[5664]: DHCPREQUEST of on
ens3 to port 67 (xid=0x7e8da8e)

This the regex that needs updating:

+^[[:alpha:]]{3} [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+
dhclient\[[[:digit:]]+\]: DHCP(REQUEST|RELEASE) (of [.0-9]{7,15} )?on
[[:alnum:].-]+ to [.0-9]{7,15} port 67( \(xid=0x[0-9a-f]{8}\))?$

Either get rid of the {8} or expand it to include more lengths.

Joshua Powers
Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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