[Logcheck-devel] macro support

Raphaël Droz raphael.droz at gmail.com
Thu May 4 02:02:49 UTC 2017


attached is an attempt to fix the longstanding
Debian bug #174331
"logcheck: propose support for macros in configs"

which is itself a blocker for
"Please add support for RFC 3339 high precision timestamps"

(I had to changed my rsyslog format recently and logcheck is near to
unusable if I need to change/duplicate/transform all the rules)

please keep me CCed:

side-note: the email address inside src/logcheck is wrong
           logcheck-devel at alioth.lists.debian.org
        vs logcheck-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org

off-topic side-note:
any plans to add all the needed rules for 2017 servers
 (like those in https://github.com/ties/logcheck-extrarules)

GPG id: 0xF41572CEBD4218F4
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