[Logcheck-users] installation error

Karthik Dhayalan Karthik Dhayalan" <onlinesupport@rediffmail.com
3 Sep 2004 06:56:14 -0000

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<P>=0A&nbsp; <BR>=0Ahi guys,<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;  I have a very triv=
ial error i hope would be silly to you, but since am new to solaris am not =
able to crack this.<BR>=0APls help me.<BR>=0A<BR>=0Awhen i install logcheck=
 i get the following error.<BR>=0A# make sun<BR>=0Amake install SYSTYPE=3Ds=
un<BR>=0Amake[1]: Entering directory `/karthik/logcheck-1.1.1'<BR>=0AMaking=
 sun<BR>=0Acc -O -o ./src/logtail ./src/logtail.c<BR>=0Amake[1]: cc: Comman=
d not found<BR>=0Amake[1]: *** [install] Error 127<BR>=0Amake[1]: Leaving d=
irectory `/karthik/logcheck-1.1.1'<BR>=0Amake: *** [sun] Error 2<BR>=0A<BR>=
=0A<BR>=0Apls explain on what i should do...<BR>=0A<BR>=0A--Karthik D=0A</P=
>=0A<br><br>=0A<A target=3D"_blank" HREF=3D"http://clients.rediff.com/signa=
ture/track_sig.asp"><IMG SRC=3D"http://ads.rediff.com/RealMedia/ads/adstrea=
m_nx.cgi/www.rediffmail.com/inbox.htm@Bottom" BORDER=3D0 VSPACE=3D0 HSPACE=
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 =A0=0Ahi guys,=0A       I have a very trivial error i hope would be silly =
to you, but since am new to solaris am not able to crack this.=0APls help m=
e.=0A=0Awhen i install logcheck i get the following error.=0A# make sun=0Am=
ake install SYSTYPE=3Dsun=0Amake[1]: Entering directory `/karthik/logcheck-=
1.1.1'=0AMaking sun=0Acc -O -o ./src/logtail ./src/logtail.c=0Amake[1]: cc:=
 Command not found=0Amake[1]: *** [install] Error 127=0Amake[1]: Leaving di=
rectory `/karthik/logcheck-1.1.1'=0Amake: *** [sun] Error 2=0A=0A=0Apls exp=
lain on what i should do...=0A=0A--Karthik D