[Logcheck-users] logcheck on ubuntu error
paete connection
trespiko at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 09:08:04 UTC 2006
François Puitg wrote:
>Works for me (debian stable). Here are the perms for my
>/var/lock/logcheck :
> drwxrwx--- 2 root logcheck 1024 2006-01-13 12:05 /var/lock/logcheck
already did this and still with no positive results :(
>and a logcheck user must be added :
> #/etc/passwd
> logcheck:x:104:104::/var/lib/logcheck:/bin/bash
>Here, I've put /bin/bash instead of /bin/false to be able to do some
logcheck user is created during logcheck install...
nothing from Google...
maybe it's an Ubuntu -specific error but will again check
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