[Logcheck-users] cannot run logcheck

Alexandru Cabuz alexcabuz at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 19:03:22 UTC 2008

Hello, list!

I can't run logcheck. This is the first time my system has not let me run
something, any way I try.

I am member of sudo group. I run this

sudo -u logcheck logcheck -o -t

and get

Sorry, user [user] is not allowed to execute '/usr/sbin/logcheck -o -t' as
logcheck on [machine].

If I try

su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/logcheck -o -t" logcheck

I get authentication failure, whether I type my user password, or the root
password. What password does it want!?

It won't run as root, and if I run it as regular user it does nothing.

Also, I can't find the search page for the archives of this mailing list.
Are the archives searchable at all?

Thank you for your help.

Alexandru I. Cabuz
Tel: +33 (0)

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