[ltrace-commits] 04/06: Test suite for the DWARF functionality

Petr Machata pmachata-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Sep 2 13:26:54 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pmachata-guest pushed a commit to branch pmachata/dima-rebase
in repository ltrace.

commit b9500ecd60554a180fb06b9aabb7ddca874f5ebf
Author: Petr Machata <pmachata at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 2 15:21:59 2014 +0200

    Test suite for the DWARF functionality
    This was written by Dima Kogan <dima at secretsauce.net>.
 testsuite/ltrace.main/Makefile.am       |   7 +-
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.c           |  56 +++++++++++++
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.conf        |   5 ++
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.exp         | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.c        |  80 ++++++++++++++++++
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.h        |  56 +++++++++++++
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.cc11 |  21 +++++
 testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.hh   |  10 +++
 8 files changed, 372 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/Makefile.am b/testsuite/ltrace.main/Makefile.am
index 12bbb9b..23ab8ab 100644
--- a/testsuite/ltrace.main/Makefile.am
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/Makefile.am
@@ -20,9 +20,12 @@ EXTRA_DIST = branch_func.c branch_func.exp filters.exp hello-vfork.c	\
 	main-threaded.c main-threaded.exp main-vfork.c main-vfork.exp	\
 	parameters.c parameters.conf parameters.exp parameters-lib.c	\
 	parameters2.exp parameters3.exp signals.c signals.exp		\
-	system_calls.c system_calls.exp system_call_params.exp
+	system_calls.c system_calls.exp system_call_params.exp		\
+	dwarf.conf dwarf.exp dwarf.c dwarflib.c dwarflib.h		\
+	dwarflib_cxx.cc11 dwarflib_cxx.hh
 CLEANFILES = *.o *.so *.log *.sum *.ltrace setval.tmp \
-	main main-internal parameters signals system_calls
+	main main-internal parameters signals system_calls dwarf
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.c b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a5ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "dwarflib.h"
+#include "dwarflib_cxx.hh"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <time.h>
+void main(void)
+    struct list l = { .x = 5, .next = NULL };
+    linkedlisttest( &l );
+    struct tree d = {.x = 4};
+    struct tree c = {.x = 3, .right = &d};
+    struct tree b = {.x = 2};
+    struct tree a = {.x = 1, .left = &b, .right = &c};
+    treetest( &a );
+    struct loop_a la = {.x = 5};
+    struct loop_b lb = {.x = 6};
+    la.b = &lb;
+    lb.a = &la;
+    looptest(&la);
+    enum E ea = A, eb = B;
+    enumtest( ea, eb );
+    union U u1 = {.a = 5};
+    union U u2 = {.a = 6};
+    uniontest( u1, u2 );
+    struct witharray s = {.x = {1.0,2.0,1.0,2.0,1.0}};
+    arraytest( &s );
+    float complex x = 3 + 4*I;
+    complextest(&x);
+    enum_cxx_test();
+    stringtest("test");
+    stringtest(NULL);
+    FILEtest( stdout, stderr );
+    voidfunc();
+    // tests aliased symbols. On my amd64 Debian/sid box this generates a
+    // reference to nanosleep, while the debug symbols have __nanosleep and
+    // __GI___nanosleep
+	usleep(33);
+	nanosleep(&(struct timespec){.tv_nsec = 44}, NULL);
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.conf b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8019032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# necessary because following the DWARF definition of FILE eventually gets to a
+# void argument, and ltrace does an assert(0) when trying to print it. The
+# details of FILE are unimportant anyway, so printing just its address is fine,
+# which is what this config does
+typedef _IO_FILE = void;
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.exp b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf014b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarf.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# This file was written by Dima Kogan <dima at secretsauce.net>
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Dima Kogan
+# Same license as ltrace itself: GPL version 2 or later
+proc run_dwarf_test {ref_output ltrace_opts} {
+    global srcdir subdir objdir
+    set srcfile dwarf.c
+    set binfile dwarf
+    set libsrc "$srcdir/$subdir/dwarflib.c $srcdir/$subdir/dwarflib_cxx.cc11"
+    set lib_so_basename libdwarftest.so
+    set lib_so $objdir/$subdir/$lib_so_basename
+    if [get_compiler_info $binfile] {
+	return -1
+    }
+    verbose "compiling source file now....."
+    if { [ltrace_compile_shlib $libsrc $lib_so debug ] != "" 
+	 || [ltrace_compile $srcdir/$subdir/$srcfile $objdir/$subdir/$binfile executable [list debug shlib=$lib_so] ] != ""} {
+	send_user "Build failed!\n"
+    } else {
+	ltrace_options "-F" "ltrace.main/dwarf.conf" {*}$ltrace_opts
+	set exec_output [ltrace_runtest $objdir/$subdir $objdir/$subdir/$binfile]
+	# Check the output of this program.
+	verbose "ltrace runtest output: $exec_output\n"
+	if [regexp {ELF from incompatible architecture} $exec_output] {
+	    fail "32-bit ltrace can not perform on 64-bit PUTs and rebuild ltrace in 64 bit mode!"
+	    return 
+	} elseif [ regexp {Couldn't get .hash data} $exec_output ] {
+	    fail "Couldn't get .hash data!"
+	    return
+	}
+	foreach pattern_line [ split $ref_output "\n"] {
+	    ltrace_verify_output ${objdir}/${subdir}/${binfile}.ltrace $pattern_line 1
+	}
+    }
+set ltrace_opts_l {"-A5" "-l" "libdwarftest.so"}
+set ref_output_l [subst -nocommands -novariables {
+dwarf->linkedlisttest({ 5, nil }) * = <void>
+dwarf->treetest({ 1, { 2, nil, nil }, { 3, nil, { 4, nil, nil } } } <unfinished ...>
+libdwarftest.so->treetest({ 2, nil, nil }) * = nil
+libdwarftest.so->treetest({ 3, nil, { 4, nil, nil } } <unfinished ...>
+libdwarftest.so->treetest({ 4, nil, nil }) * = nil
+<... treetest resumed> ) * = { 5, nil, nil }
+<... treetest resumed> ) * = { 2, { 3, nil, nil }, { 4, nil, { 5, nil, nil } } }
+dwarf->looptest({ { recurse^, 6 }, 5 }) * = <void>
+dwarf->enumtest(A, B) * = 0
+dwarf->arraytest(.* 1.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000 [^\\\.]* * = 1.000000
+dwarf->enum_cxx_test( <unfinished ...>
+libdwarftest.so->_Z3f127Colors2(GREEN2) * = RED1
+libdwarftest.so->_Z3f347Colors4(BLUE4) * = RED3
+libdwarftest.so->_Z3f557Colors5(RED5) * = RED5
+<... enum_cxx_test resumed> ) * = <void>
+dwarf->stringtest('t') * = 4
+dwarf->stringtest(nil) * = -1
+dwarf->FILEtest(0x[0-9a-z]*, 0x[0-9a-z]*) * = <void>
+dwarf->voidfunc() * = <void>
+} ]
+run_dwarf_test $ref_output_l $ltrace_opts_l
+set ltrace_opts_demangling {"-C" "-l" "libdwarftest.so"}
+set ref_output_demangling [subst -nocommands -novariables {
+libdwarftest.so->f12(Colors2)(GREEN2) * = RED1
+libdwarftest.so->f34(Colors4)(BLUE4) * = RED3
+libdwarftest.so->f55(Colors5)(RED5) * = RED5
+} ]
+run_dwarf_test $ref_output_demangling $ltrace_opts_demangling
+set ltrace_opts_x {"-A5" "-L" "-x" "@libdwarftest.so"}
+set ref_output_x [subst -nocommands -novariables {
+linkedlisttest at libdwarftest.so({ 5, nil }) * = <void>
+treetest at libdwarftest.so({ 1, { 2, nil, nil }, { 3, nil, { 4, nil, nil } } } <unfinished ...>
+treetest at libdwarftest.so({ 2, nil, nil }) * = nil
+treetest at libdwarftest.so({ 3, nil, { 4, nil, nil } } <unfinished ...>
+treetest at libdwarftest.so({ 4, nil, nil }) * = nil
+<... treetest resumed> ) * = { 5, nil, nil }
+<... treetest resumed> ) * = { 2, { 3, nil, nil }, { 4, nil, { 5, nil, nil } } }
+looptest at libdwarftest.so({ { recurse^, 6 }, 5 }) * = <void>
+enumtest at libdwarftest.so(A, B) * = 0
+arraytest at libdwarftest.so(.* 1.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000 [^\\\.*]* * = 1.000000
+enum_cxx_test at libdwarftest.so( <unfinished ...>
+_Z3f127Colors2 at libdwarftest.so(GREEN2) * = RED1
+_Z3f347Colors4 at libdwarftest.so(BLUE4) * = RED3
+_Z3f557Colors5 at libdwarftest.so(RED5) * = RED5
+<... enum_cxx_test resumed> ) * = <void>
+stringtest at libdwarftest.so('t') * = 4
+stringtest at libdwarftest.so(nil) * = -1
+FILEtest at libdwarftest.so(0x[0-9a-z]*, 0x[0-9a-z]*) * = <void>
+voidfunc at libdwarftest.so() * = <void>
+} ]
+run_dwarf_test $ref_output_x $ltrace_opts_x
+set ltrace_opts_e {"-A5" "-e" "@libdwarftest.so"}
+set ref_output_e [subst -nocommands -novariables {
+libdwarftest.so->treetest({ 2, nil, nil }) * = nil
+libdwarftest.so->treetest({ 3, nil, { 4, nil, nil } } <unfinished ...>
+libdwarftest.so->treetest({ 4, nil, nil }) * = nil
+<... treetest resumed> ) * = { 5, nil, nil }
+libdwarftest.so->_Z3f127Colors2(GREEN2) * = RED1
+libdwarftest.so->_Z3f347Colors4(BLUE4) * = RED3
+libdwarftest.so->_Z3f557Colors5(RED5) * = RED5
+} ]
+run_dwarf_test $ref_output_e $ltrace_opts_e
+set ltrace_opts_e {"-l" "libc.so*"}
+set ref_output_e [subst -nocommands -novariables {
+libdwarftest.so->ftell(0x[0-9a-z]*) * = -1
+libdwarftest.so->strlen('t') * = 4
+dwarf->usleep(33) * = 0
+dwarf->nanosleep({ 0, 44 }, nil) * = 0
+} ]
+run_dwarf_test $ref_output_e $ltrace_opts_e
+set ltrace_opts_e {"-L" "-x" "@libc.so*"}
+set ref_output_e [subst -nocommands -novariables {
+ftell at libc.so.6(0x[0-9a-z]*
+strlen at libc.so.6('t') * = 4
+usleep at libc.so.6(33 <unfinished ...>
+nanosleep at libc.so.6({ 0, 33000 }, nil) * = 0
+<... usleep resumed> ) * = 0
+nanosleep at libc.so.6({ 0, 44 }, nil) * = 0
+} ]
+run_dwarf_test $ref_output_e $ltrace_opts_e
+# why does ftell(...) show a hex argument? Means we know what ftell is, but not what FILE is
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.c b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2402400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dwarflib.h"
+void printtree( const struct tree* tree, int indent )
+    if( tree == NULL )
+    {
+        printf("%*sNULL\n", indent*4, "");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        printf("%*s%d\n", indent*4, "", tree->x);
+        printtree( tree->left,  indent+1 );
+        printtree( tree->right, indent+1 );
+    }
+void linkedlisttest( struct list* l )
+struct tree treetest(struct tree* t)
+    if(t->left  != NULL) treetest(t->left);
+    if(t->right != NULL) treetest(t->right);
+    t->x++;
+    return *t;
+void looptest( loop_a_t* a )
+    a->x++;
+    a->b->x++;
+    ftell(stdin);
+int enumtest( enum E a, E_t b )
+    return a == b;
+int uniontest( union U u1, union U u2 )
+    u1.a = u2.b;
+    return u1.a;
+double arraytest( struct witharray* s )
+    return s->x[0];
+double complex complextest(const float complex* x)
+    double complex y = (double complex)(*x);
+    y *= 2;
+    return y;
+int stringtest(char* str)
+    if(str == NULL) return -1;
+    return strlen(str);
+void FILEtest( FILE* a, const FILE* b )
+void voidfunc(void)
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.h b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adba76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <complex.h>
+// ltrace doesn't know about these yet, so turn off the tests
+struct list
+    int x;
+    struct list* next;
+void linkedlisttest( struct list* l );
+struct tree
+    int x;
+    struct tree* left;
+    struct tree* right;
+struct tree treetest(struct tree* t);
+struct loop_a;
+struct loop_b;
+typedef struct loop_a { struct loop_b*   b; int x;} loop_a_t;
+        struct loop_b {        loop_a_t* a; int x;};
+void looptest( loop_a_t* a );
+enum E { A,B,C };
+typedef enum E E_t;
+int enumtest( enum E a, E_t b );
+union U { int a, b; };
+int uniontest( union U u1, union U u2 );
+struct witharray
+    double x[5];
+double arraytest( struct witharray* s );
+double complex complextest(const float complex* x);
+int stringtest(char* str);
+void FILEtest( FILE* a, const FILE* b );
+void voidfunc(void);
+void printtree( const struct tree* tree, int indent );
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.cc11 b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.cc11
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12d2901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.cc11
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "dwarflib_cxx.hh"
+enum class Colors1 : std::int8_t  { RED1 = 1, GREEN1 = 2, BLUE1 = 3 };
+enum class Colors2 : std::uint8_t { RED2 = 1, GREEN2 = 2, BLUE2 = 200 };
+enum class Colors3 : char         { RED3 = 1, GREEN3 = 2, BLUE3 = 3 };
+enum class Colors4                { RED4,     GREEN4,     BLUE4 };
+enum       Colors5                { RED5,     GREEN5,     BLUE5 };
+Colors1 f12(Colors2 x) { return Colors1::RED1; }
+Colors3 f34(Colors4 x) { return Colors3::RED3; }
+Colors5 f55(Colors5 x) { return RED5; }
+extern "C" void enum_cxx_test(void)
+    f12( Colors2::GREEN2 );
+    f34( Colors4::BLUE4 );
+    f55( RED5 );
diff --git a/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.hh b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e0815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ltrace.main/dwarflib_cxx.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+void enum_cxx_test(void);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/ltrace.git

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