[Ltrace-devel] This is the 8th patch related to ppc64/ppc64le work.

Andreas Schwab schwab at linux-m68k.org
Fri Apr 8 09:47:46 UTC 2016

thierry at linux.vnet.ibm.com writes:

> -    {{^iswalnum\('1'\).*= 8} == 1}
> -    {{^iswalpha\('A'\).*= 1024} == 1}
> -    {{^iswcntrl\('\\t'\).*= 2} == 1}
> +    {{^iswalnum\('1'\).*= (8|2048)} == 1}
> +    {{^iswalpha\('A'\).*= (1024|4)} == 1}
> +    {{^iswcntrl\('\\t'\).*= (2|512)} == 1}
>      {{^iswdigit\('1'\).*= 1} == 1}
> -    {{^iswgraph\('='\).*= 32768} == 1}
> +    {{^iswgraph\('='\).*= (32768|128)} == 1}
>      {{^iswlower\('ц'\).*= 1} == 1}
>      {{^iswupper\('Ц'\).*= 1} == 1}
>      {{^iswprint\('☻'\).*= 1} == 1}
>      {{^iswpunct\('•'\).*= 1} == 1}
> -    {{^iswspace\('\\t'\).*= 8192} == 1}
> -    {{^iswxdigit\('A'\).*= 4096} == 1}
> +    {{^iswspace\('\\t'\).*= (8192|32)} == 1}
> +    {{^iswxdigit\('A'\).*= (4096|16)} == 1}

All these tests should really check only for a non-zero return value.


Andreas Schwab, schwab at linux-m68k.org
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