[Metadistros-devel] Re: [Morphix-devel] Gentoo makes a LiveCD for PowerPC

Alex de Landgraaf alextreme@xs4all.nl
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 22:15:04 +0200

Yeah, pity i don't have a PPC, we all know Debian is the only way to go ;)

Quoting Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo@debian.org>:

>   In this Slashdot history you can read that Gentoo has made a LiveCD
>   for PPC:
>   http://apple.slashdot.org/apple/03/06/03/1625222.shtml?tid=106&tid=185
>   I hope things can be used from there.
> -- 
>   Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
>      jsogo@debian.org

                ( o o )
Wouter Alexander de Landgraaf          
Student AI & CS VU Amsterdam 
Phone: 06-16844084
GPG: http://am.xs4all.nl/key_alex.asc
WWW: http://www.alextreme.org
             (   )   Oooo. 
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