[mgt-devel] NEWBIE QUESTIONS: which autoconf to use?

Emilian Nowak emil5 at go2.pl
Tue Feb 19 21:00:56 UTC 2008

On 19-02-2008, at 21:30:06 Mohammed Sameer wrote:

> How can AA fonts be disabled ? Any idea ?
You can do this in libvte

There is a function like
void vte_terminal_set_font_full(VteTerminal *terminal,
				const PangoFontDescription *font_desc,
				VteTerminalAntiAlias antialias);

and the type of the last argument is:
/* Values for the anti alias setting */
typedef enum {
} VteTerminalAntiAlias;

> How can you really test something like "the widget speed" ?
Create window put one terminal-widget on it and do something like Craig
Sanders proposed: List all files from some big directory and measure time.


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