[mgt-devel] NEWBIE QUESTIONS: which autoconf to use?

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Fri Feb 22 02:12:49 UTC 2008

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 12:05:40PM +0200, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
> > better to do something like pre-generate a dozen or so random lines and
> > print them repeatedly in a loop. otherwise you're also testing the speed
> > of the disk & disk cache, and the getent & stat() lookups (for 'ls -l').
> That's why I repeated the test until I started to get almost equal times.
> I did the test but it didn't really make a big difference.

yep. i ran the test a few times each for both MGT and tabterm (and only
reported the last result) to account for the effects of disk caching.

> Attached a patch with the changes I made. Do you mind testing it again ?

it's about 2 seconds faster with the patch.

real    0m4.006s
user    0m0.048s
sys 0m0.064s

still nowhere near as fast as MGT with libzvt2.


ps: another feature to add to the list: when resizing the window,
display the resize details as Columns X Lines rather tnan pixels - as MGT
and GT do.

BTW, tabterm displays resizing in pixels. it also only lets you resize
the window once...as soon as you let go of the mouse button, it becomes
impossible to resize again (although the maximise button still works).
that's OK, it's v0.1 of an experiemnt.  so it was a bit of a pain
getting the tabterm window the exact same size as last time.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>

BOFH excuse #340:

Well fix that in the next (upgrade, update, patch release, service pack).

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