[Net-ssleay-devel] Testers for svn trunk, please.

Florian Ragwitz rafl at debian.org
Wed Jul 26 12:22:35 UTC 2006

On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 08:46:30AM +1000, Mike McCauley wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 July 2006 22:21, Florian Ragwitz wrote:
> > I suggest doing the following which is the 
> > same that will be done for a cpan release:
> >
> > - On a box with recent M:::I, preferably the linux box which already
> >   worked before, run perl Makefile.PL.
> > - Run 'make manifest' to add the contents of inc/ to MANIFEST.
> > - Run 'make dist' to generate a distribution tarball, including the inc/
> >   directory with the recent M::I.
> > - Get that dist to the win 32 box, unpack and build as usual. It'll now
> >   use M::I from inc/, which should have auto_{install,include}.
> OK, progress, but then another block:
> after unpacking the new dist in Windows, 
> R:\net-ssleay\trunk\Net-SSLeay-1.30>perl Makefile.PL
> Cannot determine perl version info from lib/Net/SSLeay.pm
> Cannot determine license info from lib/Net/SSLeay.pm
> *** OpenSSL version test failed
>     (`' has been returned)
>     Either you have bogus OpenSSL or a new version has changed the version
>     number format. Please inform the authors!
> and before *** openSSL version test failed ....
> is printed, get a popup that says:
> The ordinal 3288 could not be found in the dynamic link library LIBEAY.DLL
> Maybe check_openssl_version in ext/Module/Install/PRIVATE/Net/SSLeay.pm does 
> not handle Windows properly?

Even if I mostly copied the openssl guessing code into the M::I
extension that's most probably the reason. Could you please take a look?
I don't have a windows box around. I also have no idea what could
produce that popup. But with some detailed infos on your openssl
installation I could probably find out whats going wrong.

> > PS: You don't need to Cc me on replies to the list. I read the list as
> >     well.
> Happy to, but Im still subject to moderation there, arent I?

I removed your subscription, re-added it, made your a moderator and
added you to the whitelist. I can't imagine anything that could cause
you to be moderated there. Sorry. If you still get that moderation
messages I'll contact the mailman admin tomorrow.


BOFH excuse #115:
your keyboard's space bar is generating spurious keycodes.
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