[Net-ssleay-devel] Net::SSLeay::Handle 0.63(?) - added support for make_listening_socket

sampo at symlabs.com sampo at symlabs.com
Fri Jun 29 22:08:46 UTC 2007

eyck writes:
> Hello, 
>  I need a complimentary function to make_socket in Net::SSLeay::Handle
> in particular to be able to handle both active and passive FTP I need 
> to be able to generate both client and listening sockets in uniform manner
> (all the while being able to encrypt then on demand). 
>  Attached is the patch that makes this possible, I'm using it roughly this way:
>  $socket=Net::SSLeay::Handle->make_listening_socket("",0);..
>  accept($sock, $socket);undef $socket;$socket=$sock; 
>  I imagine that using this extension creating STARTLS-like servers with
> Net::SSLeay::Handle would be a breeze.

No dobt useful. Since you are using ::Handle family, are you sure
this functionality does not exist already? 

At any rate, active Net::SSLeay development nowdays happens in 

net-ssleay-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org 

May be they can help you and get the patch merged. 


>  Is there any chance for releasing this, or something functionally similar
> on CPAN soonish? 
> regards, Eyck
Sym  | Sampo Kellomaki  ______| Identity Architect, Federated SSO
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