[Net-ssleay-devel] new updates coming

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Mon Sep 3 11:56:53 UTC 2007

Hi Florian,

I propose to upload to svn some further changes to net-ssleay, in the hope 
they will make it into the upcoming release. The changes are:

	- Added optional support for SSL_set_hello_extension,
	SSL_set_session_secret_cb to support various extension patches from 
	a patch to openssl-0.9.9-dev contributed by Jouni Malinen. 
	See wpa_supplicant/patches/openssl-0.9.9-session-ticket.patch in the
	latest (git) version 0.6 and later of wpa_suplicant at 
	http://hostap.epitest.fi/. These additions are ifdefed to 
	SSL_F_SSL_SET_HELLO_EXTENSION which is added by the patch
	Tested with openssl-SNAP-20070816.
	- Added SSL_SESSION_set_master_key and SSL_get_keyblock_size.
	- Added all SSL_OP_* options flags present in 0.9.9
	- Fixed a bug in SSL_set_tmp_dh
	- Doc improvements in README.Win32

I have tested on Linux, Windows and Solaris.
Is that OK for you?

Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
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