[Net-ssleay-devel] ssleay_session_secret_cb_invoke

Florian Ragwitz rafl at debian.org
Tue Sep 4 12:49:32 UTC 2007

Hi there,

I just reviewed the changeset that adds SSL_set_session_secret_cb
bindings and noticed that ssleay_session_secret_cb_invoke gets some
arguments (SSL *, void *secret, int *secret_len, STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER)
*peer_ciphers, SSL_CIPHER **cipher), which aren't passed to the perl
callback you previously registered.

As I wasn't able to find the SSL_set_session_secret_cb just now I am
wondering if this is intentional or some kind of limitation.

Can you please enlighten me?

Mike, thanks for resolving the inc_paths ticket. I'd like to make a new
release with that fix included, but because of the issue above I'm not
sure if I shall do that based on latest trunk or if I should just
release 1.32 with the relevant changes and maybe those changes related
to SSL_set_tmp_dh and documentation. What do you think?


BOFH excuse #195:
We only support a 28000 bps connection.
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