[Neurodebian-devel] Debian packages for Stimfit

Yaroslav Halchenko yoh at dartmouth.edu
Mon Jan 24 15:03:04 UTC 2011

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Christoph Schmidt-Hieber wrote:
> Unfortunately, stimfit has a rather unusual structure that I'm not too happy with: "libstimfit" is not really a library in the sense that it could be used by anyone else. In fact, it's the full program that I had to split into a separate library so that it can be imported into the Python shell at runtime. If you wish, it's everything except of main().
> Now the problem is that I haven't found an elegant way to make the autotools chain understand that. At the moment, I'm linking explicitly during install (L27 in src/stfswig/Makefile.am)

> 	ln -f ${prefix}/lib/${STF_PYTHON_LIBNAME} ${PYTHON_SITE_PKG}/stimfit/_stf.so

> This hard links libstf.so.0.0.0 to _stf.so so that the Python shell can communicate with the running program.

thanks for the explanation -- it makes things clearer ;-)
since this library is not intended to be public, it better be hidden.
according to
| 8.2 Shared library support files
| It is recommended that supporting files and run-time support programs
| that do not need to be invoked manually by users, but are nevertheless
| required for the package to function, be placed (if they are binary) in
| a subdirectory of /usr/lib, preferably under /usr/lib/package-name.
thus logical location for it /usr/lib/stimfit  and both executable
stimfit and python extensions should be linked against it under coming
from that directory

if you 
ls -l /usr/lib/*/*.so
you will see plentiful of other packages doing the same

I guess the easiest solution is by providing -rpath to the linker and
since it is not public -- version is not per se needed, thus something

-Wl,-rpath,${prefix}/lib/aeskulap -avoid-version

in your configure.in

> I would suppose that this is why dh_shlibdeps complains about all these missing symbols because it is not aware of _stf.so?
probably ;-)

> This being said, the deb seems to run and install fine on current Ubuntu and Debian installs.
that is great -- but you do want to make build more robust and
standardized, right? ;-)

> One thing that I would like to add to the deb is the pure-python
>  stfio module. How would I add this to the deb? Create a new
> control/rules/etc. directory? Or add a package to the existing files?

you can build as many binary packages as you like from a single source
package, i.e. debian/control can contain many 'Package: ' entries, in
this case it should be python-stfio, Architecture: all (if it is
pure-python without extensions).  then, after things are built, unless
they get installed directly into debian/binarypackagename/,
usually they get placed under debian/tmp and you direct which things go
to which binary packages by creating debian/binarypackagename.install
files and (unless possible easily with .install files) - by moving
things into corresponding debian/binarypackagename/ subdirectories
within debian/rules.

just look into some package for how things done... e.g. libfann of
Christian seems to be clean enough, so

apt-get source libfann2

and see how things are sorted out 

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Postdoctoral Fellow,   Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik        

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