[Neurodebian-devel] RE : Packaging of anatomist (was: Latest and greatest in visualization of MRI data?)
denis.riviere at cea.fr
Sat Jan 29 13:14:44 UTC 2011
Otherwise the stable branch (brainvisa-anatomist 4.0.2) still builds with our old tool: "build-config". You have to get all sources in the same directory (untar the tarballs from the web site, or get a svn copy of the 4.0 branches), set the "build-config" project in your PATH, and do:
build-config --buildMode release anatomist
(you cann append options "--buildOptons -j4" to make use of a 4-core system for instance)
If all dependencies are OK (mainly, development packages for sigc++2, Qt4, xml2, sip, PyQt, and optionally dcmtk, minc, jpeg, tiff for plugins), it should go OK on an Ubuntu system. The main problem with this build-config tool is that errors are very difficult to interpret...
There is an additional option "--doc" to build docs (API docs using doxygen and epydoc, and docbook manuals), but they are perhaps not needed for a first runtime package.
The VTK plugin of Anatomist also requires VTK 5.4 (not 5.2, not 5.6) and vtkINRIA3D: https://gforge.inria.fr/projects/vtkinria3d/
-------- Message d'origine--------
De: neurodebian-devel-bounces+denis.riviere=cea.fr at lists.alioth.debian.org de la part de Yann Cointepas
Date: sam. 29/01/2011 12:14
À: neurodebian-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Objet : Re: [Neurodebian-devel] Packaging of anatomist (was: Latest and greatest in visualization of MRI data?)
We have recently changed our compilation system in order to use CMake
instead of an impossible to maintain home made tool. The source tarballs are
still based on the old almost obsolete system. Now we will distribute the
sources via Subversion. The new system is only available for the development
branch but we hope to be able to do a release soon.
Our compilation system is based on CMake but we created a project (called
brainvisa-cmake) to manage sources download, build directories
configuration, compilation and packaging. We did that because we are
managing about 50 software components with internal and external
dependencies and have non-geek users who need to be able to compile easily
in various contexts.
In order to compile Anatomist, you will need to have brainvisa-cmake
(BRAINVISA_PROJECT is in it) and several other components. Theoretically,
each component can be configured/build separately with CMake but we are
using a single command (bv_maker which is part of brainvisa-cmake) to
synchronize on our sources and compile all selected component at once.
bv_maker is just a way to simplify things that can be done with svn, cmake
and make.
We started to write a compilation documentation:
This doc is still work in progress and we know it has to be improved (we
just started to deploy brainvisa-cmake to our close colleagues). Any
comments are welcome.
Yann Cointepas Tel: +33 1 69 08 78 31
CEA - Neurospin Fax: +33 1 69 08 79 80
Bâtiment 145, Point Courrier 156
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Michael Hanke <michael.hanke at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> [now posting to neurodebian-devel]
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:13:30AM +0100, Yann Cointepas wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko <
> lists at onerussian.com> wrote:
> > > On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, Yann Cointepas wrote:
> > > > compromise up to now. But I think it is worth to start a
> discussion
> > > > about this (I already have several questions in mind about
> NeuroDebian
> > > > integration). We should probably choose another chanel than this
> > > > mailing list (or at least create another thread). We could use
> > >
> > > what about our new under-used neurodebian-devel mailing list?
> > > http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/neurodebian-devel
> > >
> > > forum would also be ok... just that it is forum (web interface) --
> > > or could I interact with it via email (in addition to notifications)?
> > >
> > Ok for the mailing list.
> I started looking into the brainvisa code and into an approach of
> packaging anatomist in particular.
> It looks like the documentation on building doesn't reflect the current
> setup. The sources look like CMake-able, but some pieces are missing
> (e.g. BRAINVISA_PROJECT macro). Where can I find information on which
> tarballs I need to download to be able to build anatomist with cmake?
> Thanks in advance,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Hanke
> http://mih.voxindeserto.de
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