[Neurodebian-devel] Packaging of anatomist (was: Latest and greatest in visualization of MRI data?)

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 14:19:13 UTC 2011


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 12:14:03PM +0100, Yann Cointepas wrote:
> We have recently changed our compilation system in order to use CMake
> instead of an impossible to maintain home made tool. The source tarballs are
> still based on the old almost obsolete system. Now we will distribute the
> sources via Subversion. The new system is only available for the development
> branch but we hope to be able to do a release soon.

Thanks for the clarification. Now I wonder, what would be the best
strategy to approach a packaging. I looks like it would have to happen
off the SVN repo, but that has a large number of projects with (I guess)
lots of interdependencies. I fear that trying to package all of
brainvisa at once is a huge task that will take forever. I'd prefer to
tackle anatomist first to get some more experience with brainvisa. Is
there a way to turn the SVN repo content into _self-contained_ release

The reason I'm asking is that in the end I will create a Debian source
package that has a tarball of the source and I better compose it

Or did I get you wrong and you will eventually create these tarballs it
just didn't happen yet. If that is the case, do you think starting the
packaging now is not the best timing?



Michael Hanke

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