[Neurodebian-devel] Debian packages for Stimfit

Christoph Schmidt-Hieber c.schmidt-hieber at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jan 31 11:18:20 UTC 2011

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> thanks for the explanation -- it makes things clearer ;-)
> since this library is not intended to be public, it better be hidden.
> according to
> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html
> ,---
> | 8.2 Shared library support files
> | It is recommended that supporting files and run-time support programs
> | that do not need to be invoked manually by users, but are nevertheless
> | required for the package to function, be placed (if they are binary) in
> | a subdirectory of /usr/lib, preferably under /usr/lib/package-name.
> `---
> thus logical location for it /usr/lib/stimfit  and both executable
> stimfit and python extensions should be linked against it under coming
> from that directory

Fixed. Libraries are now in /usr/lib/stimfit/* and /usr/lib/python-stfio/*

> you can build as many binary packages as you like from a single source
> package, i.e. debian/control can contain many 'Package: ' entries, in
> this case it should be python-stfio, Architecture: all (if it is
> pure-python without extensions).  then, after things are built, unless
> they get installed directly into debian/binarypackagename/,
> usually they get placed under debian/tmp and you direct which things go
> to which binary packages by creating debian/binarypackagename.install
> files and (unless possible easily with .install files) - by moving
> things into corresponding debian/binarypackagename/ subdirectories
> within debian/rules.

Fixed. As you suggested, both python-stfio and stimfit are now built from the same source. Uploaded as 0.10.7 to the launchpad ppa.

Thanks for your help,


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