[Neurodebian-devel] condor package update

Michael Hanke mih at debian.org
Tue Sep 27 18:46:55 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 06:54:26PM +0200, Tiziano Zito wrote:
> is there something I can do to help with the release of an updated
> version of the condor package? stable version 7.6.3 and/or dev
> version 7.7.1 would be my preferred targets.

The magic word!

Current plan is to ignore 7.6 and focus on 7.7 -- 7.7 has major
improvments regarding linking against system libs, hence dramatically
reduced patch set. If was leaning towards waiting a little longer,
because condor devs are now working on internal library consolidation.
That will make it much easier to build proper, leaner packages. But it
might take a bit till everything is released.

Helping would mean to take the current condor source package repo update
the packaging to 7.7.1 and test it. Updating is basically updating the
patches -- which might be a little hairy.

I was hoping to get to that soonish, but if you want to jump on it --
please do -- I promise to be helpful.


Michael Hanke

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