[Neurodebian-devel] status of the data files used in the OpenVibe demos

Yann Renard yann.renard at aliceadsl.fr
Mon Aug 13 20:56:43 UTC 2012

On 08/05/2012 05:08 PM, Nicolas Bourdaud wrote:
> Hello Yann,
> 	In OpenVibe demos, there are many Ogre Scene (.mesh, .scene, etc...)
> files that have been generated from other files created by some unknown
> software (I suspect 3DSmax or Blender). If these files are not provided
> in OpenVibe source code or they requires non-free tools (without free
> alternatives) to generate the data files, these data become non-free.
> Could you elaborate a little bit about them... Should we consider them
> as non-free? Also, what is the license of these original files?
> 	Also concerning the free/non-free status, the OpenVibe demos use and
> ship some font that are non-free (bluehigh.ttf). Could it be possible to
> use the font provided on the system?
> 	Cheers,
> Nicolas

Hello everyone,

Nicolas, thank you for your email and your work.

The Ogre files have been generated mostly from 3ds scenes, some from 
VRML scenes. I doubt we can find appropriate version of the source files 
somewhere, plus we would also need appropriate dot scene exporter (there 
are hundreds of versions for 3ds max, each with pros and cons, but none 
is recognized as a "standard").

Anyway, if that can help, the source files are for sure, either self 
created by people at INRIA (as for the TIE fighter hangar or the handbal 
gymnasium for instance), or freely available models (as for the 
TIE-fighter model or the 3D head model -taken from Tempo- for instance).

If we can't provide appropriate sources, I believe you should consider 
them non-free. If that's a matter for debian packaging, you may consider 
not including the VR demos.

About the font, yes you can change it to whatever font is provided with 
the system :)

I hope this helps,
Best regards,

                    Yann Renard
         Engineer and Independent Consultant
    Brain-Computer Interfaces & OpenViBE Software

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                  OpenViBE links

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