[Neurodebian-devel] package for DSI-Studio (squeeze / wheezy)

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Mon Dec 10 02:18:28 UTC 2012

Hi Olivier,

that is great -- we would be glad to help direct you in polishing it up

it is sunday evening, so quick look (even without looking inside):

$> dget http://s.kalou.net/apt/pool/main/d/dsi-studio/dsi-studio_0.1-5.dsc
dget: retrieving http://s.kalou.net/apt/pool/main/d/dsi-studio/dsi-studio_0.1-5.dsc
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1078  100  1078    0     0   1970      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  5923
dget: retrieving http://s.kalou.net/apt/pool/main/d/dsi-studio/dsi-studio_0.1.orig.tar.bz2
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 7912k  100 7912k    0     0   126k      0  0:01:02  0:01:02 --:--:--  100k
dget: retrieving http://s.kalou.net/apt/pool/main/d/dsi-studio/dsi-studio_0.1-5.debian.tar.bz2
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  2961  100  2961    0     0   4343      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  9000
dscverify: dsi-studio_0.1-5.dsc failed signature check:
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: processing message failed: eof
Validation FAILED!!

so ideally -- please generate a GPG key, upload to public server, let us know
what is the key and use it from now on to sign your packages (ideally later on
you should have it signed by others)

Otherwise, the best friend of the Debian maintainer -- lintian -- already has
something to suggest (run with '-i' to get verbose description of the
messages if some are not clear).

$> lintian *dsc
W: dsi-studio source: package-depends-on-hardcoded-libc dsi-studio depends
E: dsi-studio source: debian-files-list-in-source
W: dsi-studio source: diff-contains-substvars debian/dsi-studio.substvars
W: dsi-studio source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends dsi-studio
W: dsi-studio source: package-file-is-executable debian/changelog
W: dsi-studio source: package-file-is-executable debian/control
W: dsi-studio source: package-file-is-executable debian/copyright
W: dsi-studio source: package-file-is-executable debian/dirs
W: dsi-studio source: package-file-is-executable debian/install
E: dsi-studio source: temporary-debhelper-file dsi-studio.debhelper.log
E: dsi-studio source: depends-on-build-essential-package-without-using-version make [build-depends: make]
lintian *dsc  7,48s user 0,65s system 140% cpu 5,778 total

Clean up those, we also would recommend to upload source packages to
mentors.debian.net which would provide also additional checks, and point us to
the new .dsc. 

ok -- looked inside... 

* there should be an ITP bug to close inthe changelog
* follow http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/  for the format of debian/copyright
* list all different license/copyrights in it:

$> licensecheck -r . | grep -v UNKN
./moc_reconstruction_window.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_qcolorcombobox.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./ui_vbcdialog.h: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./plot/qcustomplot.h: GPL (v3 or later) 
./plot/qcustomplot.cpp: GPL (v3 or later) 
./moc_slice_view_scene.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./ui_reconstruction_window.h: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_dicom_parser.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./ui_tracking_window.h: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_regiontablewidget.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_glwidget.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./qrc_icons.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_vbcdialog.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./libs/boost/thread/win32/thread.cpp: BSL (v1.0) 
./libs/boost/thread/win32/tss_pe.cpp: BSL (v1.0) 
./libs/boost/thread/pthread/thread.cpp: BSL (v1.0) 
./libs/boost/thread/pthread/once.cpp: BSL (v1.0) 
./ui_mainwindow.h: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_simulation.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./ui_dicom_parser.h: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_renderingtablewidget.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_mainwindow.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_tracttablewidget.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_qcustomplot.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./math/matrix_op.hpp: BSD (3 clause) 
./image/io/dicom.hpp: BSD (2 clause) 
./image/io/mat.hpp: BSD (2 clause) 
./image/io/nifti.hpp: BSD (2 clause) 
./image/image.hpp: BSD (2 clause) 
./ml/ml_svm.hpp: BSD (2 clause) 
./ui_simulation.h: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
./moc_tracking_window.cpp: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE

* Generated files should actually be generated at the package build time 
* debian/control: 

  Section: Science

  not sure if matters, but never saw sections capitalized, better to stay low case imho

  Architecture: amd64

  do not limit to specific architecture without complete assurance that
  it is not destined for any other -- just specify 'any'

I think this is enough for a start ;)

On Sun, 09 Dec 2012, olivier kaloudoff wrote:

>    Hello list,
>    � I've build a first package for dsi-studio, a "brain imagery software"
>    from Sir Fang-Cheng Yeh, Department of Biomedical Engineering,�
>    Carnegie Mellon University;
>    [1]http://dsi-studio.labsolver.org
>    � �This package (for wheezy and squeeze) and the boost-1.49 backport for
>    squeeze might be referenced soon by [2]apt-get.org;
>    [3]http://www.apt-get.org/list/12324
>    � � The packages, for sure, are far from perfect, but I'm ready to improve
>    them in order to reach the debian standards .. First of all, I had to
>    decide upon an arbitrary version number, which does not match anything
>    upstream for the moment.
>    Olivier

> References

>    Visible links
>    1. http://dsi-studio.labsolver.org/
>    2. http://apt-get.org/
>    3. http://www.apt-get.org/list/12324

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> Neurodebian-devel mailing list
> Neurodebian-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
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Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Postdoctoral Fellow,   Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik        

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