[Neurodebian-devel] packages for iqr

Yury V. Zaytsev yury at shurup.com
Sun Mar 18 21:26:50 UTC 2012

On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 13:38 -0700, Ulysses Bernardet wrote: 
> > Therefore I highly recommend not wasting time on cpack unless you need
> > Windows installers for the creation of which it might turn out to be
> > useful to a certain extent and just do the native packaging properly.
> iqr provides installers for linux (rpm, deb), windows (exe) and mac
> (pkg). The only way I can maintain this is by relying on cmake+cpack.

Spending CPU time on producing largely useless unportable and badly put
together binary RPM & Debian packages is to my mind a questionable
investment at best.

You can very well just recommend your users to use checkinstall or
compile from source on Linux and thereby save on carbon dioxide

Please understand that in as much as cpack might appear to be useful to
create Windows and Mac installers (imperfect, but acceptable), it only
generates broken garbage when it comes to Linux.

That's one of my problems with cmake: they put out stuff like that for
everybody to use and then people use it, because they think that if it's
there, then it must have been a good idea...

In order to cover 90% of the Linux market you need to invest once in
making proper Debian and Red Hat packages and that's about it. It's not
rocket science and NeuroDebian folks are very helpful in providing
reviews and advice.

If you can't do that, fine, but why distributing trash packages that
would only harm the image of your software for the Linux users?

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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