[Neurodebian-devel] Please consider moving common packages to Debian-Science

Ole Streicher olebole at debian.org
Sat Nov 19 17:03:06 UTC 2016

Hi Yaroslav, Yury and all.

On 19.11.2016 17:50, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Nov 2016, Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:
>>> * pandas
>>> * pymc
>>> * statsmodels
>>> * scikit-learn
>> I'd also add at least those two:
>> * mpi4py
>> * seaborn
>>> Would you consider moving these packages to debian-science instead? This
>>> would enable team-maintenance for a larger team and may help to keep
>>> them in a good shape. At least, I don't want to join neurodebian just to
>>> fix the stuff in-place.
>> The question, of course, is if moving the packages will really magically
>> attract more maintainers... my understanding is that packages are maintained
>> in NeuroDebian by default to make it easier for NeuroDebian maintainers &
>> leverage the repository infra they have in place. But maybe something worth
>> considering anyways.

I can speak here just for myself: I found the upstream patch that solved
the main issue in statsmodels, and it is more complicated for all to
upload the patch to the bug, having it back downloaded and applied to
the git. Having this complicated process in mind, at least I delayed
working on this quite quite a bit. A repository where I can contribute
directly is just more inviting. YMMV, however.

> In general I don't mind at all moving (or better -- having moved ;) )
> any of those packages under debian-science maintenance!    Which one
> would you like to start with?  e.g. statsmodels is indeed the
> interesting one.  I have just uploaded fresh pandas (which brought new
> FTBFS :-/) with hope that some might just go away in statsmodels, but
> that didn't happen.   I am still slowly working with statsmodels and
> have some non-pushed changes, but if you are keen to start with e.g.
> pandas and fixing up any of those issues as it being a part of Debian
> science -- it would be awesome.  Just let me know which package(s) you
> want to start with so we don't overlap.

As I wrote, I looked at statmodels; however the solution suggested by
Sandro Tosi (tzdata) didn't work. So I am stuck there now; however there
is just this one remaining issue.

Best regards


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