[Neurodebian-upstream] ANN: Python in Neuroscience satellite of EuroSciPy 2011

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Mon May 16 14:20:59 UTC 2011

Dear Users and Developers of NeuroDebian,

Since it is of relevance and we are planing to participate as well, we
decided to share the announcement of upcoming

Python in Neuroscience satellite of EuroSciPy 2011
Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, August 29-30 2011

  The “Python in Neuroscience” workshop aims at gathering researchers who
  develop software tools in different branches of neuroscience in order to share
  ideas, concepts, tools and to foster collaborative projects based on Python

Abstract submission deadline: June 1st, 2011

Main Topics
  * tools for neural simulation
  * electrophysiology data analysis
  * data management and databasing in neuroimaging and neuroscience
  * stimulus generation
  * neuroimaging data processing
  * workflows and pipelines for data processing
  * massive computation facilities for simulation and data analysis in 
  * visualization tools in neuroscience and neuroimaging

Call for Contributions

  We are soliciting contributions that deal with the above topics using 
  Python tools, including research projects and software presentations, with the
  hope of interesting a broader community, including e.g. neuroscience and

Important dates
  Abstract submission opens: May 1st, 2011
  Abstract submission deadline: June 1st, 2011
  Final program:  June 30th, 2011
  Registration: June 1st, 2011 -- August 15th, 2011
  Workshop:  August 29-30, 2011

Submission guidelines
  * We solicit talk proposals in the form of a one-page long abstract.
  * The only condition for acceptance is that the abstract fits well with 
    the workshop theme.
  * Oral and poster presentations will be allocated depending on the number
    of contributions.

  * Bertrand Thirion (INRIA Saclay)
  * Romain Brette (ENS Paris)

Program committee
  * Eilif Müller, Blue Brain Project, EPFL Laussane
  * Gaël Varoquaux, INSERM U992, Saclay
  * Raphaël Ritz,  INCF, Stockholm, Sweden
  * Laurent Perrinet,  INCM, Marseille
  * Andrew Davison, UNIC, CNRS, Gif

  pythonneuro at sciencesconf.org

With best regards,
PyMVPA/NeuroDebian Team:   Yaroslav O. Halchenko   &    Michael Hanke
Postdoctoral Fellows,  Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

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