[Neurodebian-upstream] SfN 2011: "free tickets" (for booth personnel) + request for fliers

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Mon Oct 3 18:42:40 UTC 2011

Dear NeuroDebian upstream,

As some of you might know we will hold a "Debian project" booth (#3207)
at SfN 2011 to present our NeuroDebian effort within Debian.  Besides
inviting you to stop by to finally meet in person or just to discuss hot
topics of neuroscience software, we would like to invite you to join the
booth and/or provide us with materials for the distribution so we could
inform our visitors about your project(s):

1.  We still have few slots available for booth personnel and guests.

    Booth personnel and guests get free admission to exhibits and
    poster sessions.  Moreover booth personnel is also allowed to attend
    conference's scientific sessions.

    So if you want to become a part of the booth and present your
    project we have in (Neuro)Debian and get free admission to SfN --
    please email us (team at neuro.debian.net) - deadline for us to
    submit such information is 10th of Oct.

2. We had positive experience having fliers for your projects
   available at the booth.  They make it easy for us to present your project to
   the visitors thus making them aware of FOSS for their needs.

   Would you like to increase visibility of your project -- please
   provide us with the fliers for your software.  If you are
   attending this SfN -- just bring them over (50-100 should be
   sufficient), if not -- email us the PDF and we will print out
   a few copies for the distribution.

   Sample fliers we previously had:

   PsychoPy: http://neuro.debian.net/_files/fliers/psychopy_flier_us.pdf
   NiTime:   http://neuro.debian.net/_files/fliers/nitime_flier.pdf

With best regards,
NeuroDebian Team

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