[Neurodebian-upstream] OpenWalnut 1.4.0 rc2 on Mentors

Sebastian Eichelbaum eichelbaum at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Oct 27 18:03:44 UTC 2014

Hi List,

I have uploaded the latest release candidate (rc2) of OpenWalnut 1.4 to Debian Mentors. We have worked hard to fix even more bugs and improve the overall stability and usability of the framework and the user interface. A list of fixes, implemented features and so on can be found here: http://www.openwalnut.org/versions/2.
We also improved support for lower end graphics cards and the MESA gl drivers.

Maybe you find some time to approve the package? We would be very happy. You'll find the package here: https://mentors.debian.net/package/openwalnut

Sebastian and the OpenWalnut Team

Dipl.-Inf. Sebastian Eichelbaum

-- www.sebastian-eichelbaum.de
-- www.nemtics.com

Universität Leipzig
Institut für Informatik
Abteilung Bild- und Signalverarbeitung
PF 100920
D-04009 Leipzig

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