[newmaint-site] https://nm.debian.org/public/newnm

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Wed Jan 1 19:32:09 UTC 2014


Here's a new experimental feature to try: https://nm.debian.org/public/newnm

It is a guided way for everyone to create a new Person record.
When the form is filled and the validators are satisfied, it sends the
encrypted confirmation URL via email. One decrypts the email and
activates the new Person record.

The form runs keycheck, and it automatically fills fields based on data
in the key UID. The key is cached in the server, so it won't need to be
refetched to encrypt the nonce for the email challenge.

Once a person has a record in the system, they can be advocated for
stuff. Advocacy for NM already works this way, so now we can go from 0
to 'advocated' without any FD intervention.

This is the groundwork for implementing 'advocate for guest account' and
'advocate for DM' features.

I'm only announcing it here for now, as it needs some peer review.

Feel free to go ahead and try it, I'm happy to remove the entries you
create: just send me an email about it.



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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