[newmaint-site] nm.debian.org updates

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Mon May 16 13:51:37 UTC 2016


I have done some work on nm.debian.org:

 * the newnm workflow is now unittested
 * DMs are not shown the newnm page anymore, and only see instructions
   for telling people to click the advocate buttons
 * there is a new model keyring.models.Key that caches key material in
   the database and is able to call GPG for using them to encrypt data
   and to compute keycheck results
 * key materials and keycheck results are now cached in the database
 * keycheck results are now shown in active process pages; the
   applicant, AM, advocates, FD and DAM have a button to update them in
   case, say, the applicant added new signatures

This is more preparation work on the way to having more key management
on the site. Next I would like to have, is an interface to say "I agree
to uphold SC and DMUP", sign it with a key, and track that we have a
signed agreement for that key.


GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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