[newmaint-site] Design of nm.debian.org

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Wed May 25 18:30:35 UTC 2016


I'm trying to extend nm.debian.org to deal with more cases than just
people becoming DDs.

At the moment the site has these concepts:

 - a person, with LDAP-style information
 - a status of a person in the project[1]
 - a process to take a person from status A to status B

I'd like to introduce processes to go from DC (Debian Contributor) to
DC+guest account, to go from DC to DM (or to DC+ga to DM+ga), to go from
DM to DM+ga. Ideally also to go from emeritus DD to non-emeritus DD.

At the moment the site is modeled over the workflow of the old site that
we had several years ago: Applicant asked to enter the process ->
Applicant replied to initial mail -> On hold before entering the queue
-> Received enough advocacies -> Activity poll sent -> Advocacies have
been approved -> Waiting for AM to confirm -> Interacting with an AM ->
AM hold -> AM approved -> FD hold -> FD approved -> DAM hold -> DAM
approved -> Completed / Cancelled.

This workflow does not really make sense for the new kind of processes
(for example, there is no AM involved to become DM, or to get a guest
account). Actually, most of it doesn't really make sense anymore even to
become DD.

I've recently introduced the automation of signed agreements for
DC/DFSG/DMUP, and I'd like to generalise it to a common infrastructure
for handling signed statements, that can be used to track advocacies,
AM reports, and declarations of intent (for example, the declaration of
intent to become a DM, or to get a guest account).

I'm considering getting rid of the state machine, and turning a process
into a tracker of information needed for the transition. For example:

DC -> DC+ga needs at least:
 - signed agreement with SC/DFSG/DMUP
 - signed declaration of intent
 - signed advocacy from a DM or DD

DM -> DC+ga needs at least:
 - signed agreement with SC/DFSG/DMUP
 - signed declaration of intent

DC -> DM, and DC+ga -> DM+ga, need at least:
 - signed agreement with SC/DFSG/DMUP
 - signed declaration of intent
 - signed advocacy from a DD
 - keycheck ok

* -> DD needs at least:
 - signed agreement with SC/DFSG/DMUP
 - signed declaration of intent (which we currently miss)
 - signed advocacy from a DD
 - keycheck ok
 - signed approval from an AM

DD emeritus -> DD needs at least:
 - signed agreement with SC/DFSG/DMUP
 - signed declaration of intent (which we currently miss)
 - keycheck ok
 - signed approval from an AM?

Ideally, thost things can be collected in any order, and when all of
them are there, the process can be frozen and sent to Front Desk/DAM for
review/approval. People can be told "we miss information X, Y and Z"
instead of "you are at state X, your next state is Y".

Ideally, bits like the SC/DFSG/DMUP agreements can be reused from older
processes if they are not too old.

Would you be ok with changes that go in this direction?


[1] DC, DC with guest account, DM, DM with guest account, DD (non
    uploading), DD (uploading), several emeritus/retired versions of the

GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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