[Nm-templates-discuss] Suggested changes for P&P questions

Andreas Barth aba@not.so.argh.org
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 10:42:27 +0100

* Craig Small (csmall@enc.com.au) [041130 23:40]:
> Hello,
>   I thought I'd start off some discussion about the P&P changes that
> some of my NMs have tripped up on.
>     10. How do tags and severities affect the release status of a 
> 	    debian package?
> The problem with this is that quite often you get the usual RC severity
> answer and they forget about tags.  I think the question needs to be
> re-worked so that it talks about severties first, then tags. Tags
> only effect the release status of a package if it has certain
> severities. It also doesn't specify the severity of what.
>     10. How does the severity of bugs of a Debian package affect 
> 	    its release status? What tags can modify this default
> 		behaviour?

"How does the bug status of a Debian package affect its release status?"?

> ------
>     16. What does version 3.4-2.1 mean?  What Debian control file would 
> 	    you put this in?
> So, so many NMs trip up on this one. I really don't know how to make
> it simpler.  They all answer changelog for the second part.

Not all, I can tell you. But most :)

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C