[Nm-templates-discuss] Potential improvements to nm-templates for review

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Sun Jan 4 17:36:36 UTC 2009


I've attached a patch to r1026 of nm-templates that I've been meaning to
do for a while.

* Mostly random English changes to make them sound more natural.  There's
  probably more work that could be done here.

* Occasional consistency changes.  i.e. if we use manpages don't use "man
  pages" (similar for runlevels etc).

* Added a paragraph about details of the AM in nm_assigned.txt.  This could be
  removed but I think it's a nice intro for NMs.

* One factual addition: adding -infrastructure-annonce to the
  list of mailing lists.

* I think a couple of paragraphs I did reformat.  I tried not to so the
  diffs were more obvious but there were a few that just didn't fit
  across 80 characters as they were.  It would be good if whoever knows
  what did the justification of the original could reapply it across all
  the files.

If you want to discuss any further changes let me know or I'm happy to
join the alioth project and commit if you think these are useful.



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