[Nsspampgsql-devel] Some proselytes from among the Christians, and we hear of one apo

Hulon Carfrey enfranchise at pamulangku.com
Sun Mar 28 17:18:57 UTC 2010

Li asserunt, profitentes,
suasque confessiones

corde, quasi Deo omnia inspiciente, servantes." [2] Jonas

of Orleans (Migne, cvi. p. 330) calls him so, and says elsewhere,
"Felix resuscitur in
Claudio." [3] Neander, vi. 119. [4] Fleury, v. 398. [5] Neander, vi.
125. The great Iconoclastic

reform, which arose in the East, undoubtedly
received its originating impulse from
the Moslems. In 719 the Khalif destroyed all images
in Syria. His example was followed in 730 by the Eastern

Emperor, Leo the Isaurian. He is said to have been persuaded to this
measure by a man named Bezer, who had been some years in captivity
among the

Saracens.[1] In 754 the great council

of Constantinople condemned images. Unfortunately
neither the great patriarchates nor the Pope were represented, and so
this council never obtained-the sanction of all
Christendom; and its decrees were reversed in 787 at the Council of
Nicaea. In 790 appeared the Libri Carolini, in which we rejoice to
find our English Alcuin
Charles the Great to make a powerful and reasonable

protest against the worship of images.[2] In 794 this protest was
upheld by the German Council of Frankfurt. But the Pope, and his
militia,[3] the monks, mad
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