[Nut-packaging] Nut-packaging post from richard at aardvark.com.au requires approval

Richard Chapman rchapman at aardvark.com.au
Sat Nov 24 06:50:51 UTC 2007

Hi Amaud

I'm not sure whether you saw my second post before sending this email - 
but I found a nut package built for Centos (more or less) in the centos 
epel repository. I have installed this - but am still having some 
trouble setting it up. I doubt my problems are due to a problem wit the 
install package - but if you think so - I could try the repository you 

I see they have an mgeups-psp... rpm file. Is there anything in this rpm 
that might be useful to me. I have a belkin UPS.

If you don't mind - I'll tell you my current problem - and see if you 
can help....

when I run the nut ups startup script - I now get the following:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/ups start ..

Starting UPS driver controller: No response from UPS
No response from UPS
No response from UPS
No response from UPS
No response from UPS
Startup timer elapsed, continuing...
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.2.0-
Starting upsd: listening on port 3493
Can't connect to UPS [BelkinUps] (belkinunv-BelkinUps): No such file or directory
[  OK  ]
Starting UPS monitor (master): UPS: BelkinUps at localhost (master) (power value 1)
Using power down flag file /etc/killpower

[  OK  ]
No response from UPS

It look like I have a communication problem with the UPS. I have it set 
to ttys0, and I'm pretty sure that is correct. There is only one serial 
port on the back of the box - though the hardware applet reports 2 16550 
serial ports. When I try setting nut to use ttys1 I get a different error:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ups start ..

Starting UPS driver controller: Fatal error: unusable configuration
Network UPS Tools - Belkin 'Universal UPS' driver 0.06 (2.2.0-)

Unable to open /dev/ttyS1: Permission denied

  Current user id: nut (57)
Serial port owner: root (0)
Serial port group: root (0)
     Mode of port: 0600

Things to try:

 - Use another port (with the right permissions)

 - Fix the port owner/group or permissions on this port

 - Run this driver as another user (upsdrvctl -u or 'user=...' in ups.conf).
   See upsdrvctl(8) and ups.conf(5).

I have tried changing the permissions on /dev/ttys1 to match /dev/ttys0 
- then I get another error:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ups start ..

Starting UPS driver controller: Fatal error: unusable configuration
Network UPS Tools - Belkin 'Universal UPS' driver 0.06 (2.2.0-)

Unable to open /dev/ttyS1: No such device or address

  Current user id: nut (57)
Serial port owner: root (0)
Serial port group: uucp (14)
     Mode of port: 0660

Can you suggest how I confirm that i have the correct port?
Do I need to set the baud rate of the port - and if so how?
Any other suggestions?
The model of UPS I have is included in the supported models in the 
belkinunv driver.

Many thanks


Arnaud Quette wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> the best is to use the MGE Office Protection Systems repository and files :
> http://opensource.mgeups.com/beta/rhfc/
> These should suit your needs, and iirc, I've had some positive CentOS results.
> 2007/11/22, nut-packaging-owner at lists.alioth.debian.org
> <nut-packaging-owner at lists.alioth.debian.org>:
>> As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the
>> following mailing list posting:
>>     List:    Nut-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>     From:    richard at aardvark.com.au
>>     Subject: Nut for Centos 5.0
>>     Reason:  Post by non-member to a members-only list
>> At your convenience, visit:
>>     http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/admindb/nut-packaging
>> to approve or deny the request.
>> ---------- Message transféré ----------
>> From: Richard Chapman <richard at aardvark.com.au>
>> To: nut-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org
>> Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 18:00:58 +0900
>> Subject: Nut for Centos 5.0
>> Hi, I am trying to install nut on a Centos 5 x86_64 system (RedHat EL5.0)
>> I haven't found any RPMs directly built for this system - but have found
>> the following - which I thought would be close enough...:-)
>> nut-client-2.2.0-3.fc8.x86_64.rpm
>> nut-2.2.0-3.fc8.x86_64.rpm
>> The first of these two rpms installs fine - but the second leaves an
>> unresolved dependency:
>> *
>> error: Failed dependencies:
>>         libnetsnmp.so.15()(64bit) is needed by nut-2.2.0-3.fc8.x86_6
>> *I have started down the road of looking for this file - but suspect
>> there will be a long train of unresolved dependencies. Can anyone
>> suggest a better way to install a workable nut on my centos 5 system.
>> Ultimately I want to connect a Belkin F6C120xxUNV ups to the cetnos5
>> system - and do controlled shut-downs (or hibernates) both on the centos
>> 5 system and several Windows clients. If I understand correctly - I
>> should be able to achieve this through nut.
>> Thanks.
>> Richard.
>> ---------- Message transféré ----------
>> From: nut-packaging-request at lists.alioth.debian.org
>> To:
>> Date:
>> Subject: confirm 012ed0a1607b271f0289ca636ba2690ef1daf565
>> If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact,
>> Mailman will discard the held message.  Do this if the message is
>> spam.  If you reply to this message and include an Approved: header
>> with the list password in it, the message will be approved for posting
>> to the list.  The Approved: header can also appear in the first line
>> of the body of the reply.
> Arnaud

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