[nut-Patches][303287] Patch to Support UNITEK Alpha500iS

nut-patches at alioth.debian.org nut-patches at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jun 18 12:22:17 UTC 2007

Patches item #303287, was opened at 2006-03-27 10:07
>Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Albert Gonzalez (albert_g-guest)
Assigned to: Carlos Rodrigues (carlosefr-guest)
Summary: Patch to Support UNITEK Alpha500iS 
Category: None
Group: None
>Resolution: Out of Date

Initial Comment:
Hi, I managed to make work an UNITEK alpha 500 iS with the fentonups driver.

The problem is that the UPS don't returns nothing to the I command, so the driver thinks that it doesen't exists.

To give the UPS another try, I added a Q1<cr> command after the 'failed' detection, to check if there is a brain dead UNITEK Alpha 500 iS UPS connected to the cable.

If it is, then it answers to the Q1>cr> command as all other ones, so I make the assumption that is an Alpha UPS.

The rutine reports then that UPS to the driver.

Attached are the modified fentonups.h & fentonups.c files that I use on my system.

Albert Gonzalez


>Comment By: Arjen de Korte (adkorte-guest)
Date: 2007-06-18 14:22

The fentonups driver is obsolete and has been replaced by the megatec driver.


Comment By: Nobody (None)
Date: 2006-10-09 08:49

Logged In: NO 

I checked with the drivers you mentioned, and both fail to recognize the UPS. As I said before, the problem resides int htat the UPS don't asnwers nothing to the I command, so the driver thinks that there isn't an UPS attached. The only way to make it work is to add a last catch call to the get_id, and send the UPS an Q1 request. If there is a correct answer, then we have this UPS ( or another like it).


Comment By: Carlos Rodrigues (carlosefr-guest)
Date: 2006-07-10 23:07

Logged In: YES 

That UPS should already be supported by the new "megatec"
driver in the development branch and 2.0.4pre1. Can you
check if it does work correctly?

(If you are using a version of NUT without "megatec", you
can try using "powermust". If it works with "powermust" it
also works with "megatec".)


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