[nut-Bugs][311427] upscode2 driver shutdown fails

nut-bugs at alioth.debian.org nut-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 1 19:22:06 UTC 2009

Bugs item #311427, was opened at 2009-02-01 20:22
Status: Open
Priority: 4
Submitted By: Arjen de Korte (adkorte-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: upscode2 driver shutdown fails 
Category: Driver
Group: None
Resolution: None

Initial Comment:
In r743 the following was added in upsdrv_shutdown() that is called when the driver is started with the -k flag:

         if (can_upsd && can_uppc) {


         } else {
                 upslogx(LOG_EMERG, "Shutdown called, but UPS does not support it");

Problem with this, is that can_upsd and can_uppc are set through upsdrv_initinfo(), which is not called when the driver is started with the -k flag and hence, shutting down always fails. This means that since r743 (or nut-2.2.0), the upscode2 driver has been broken.


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