[nut-Feature Requests][313473] Add a "shutdown type" selection option

nut-featurerequests at alioth.debian.org nut-featurerequests at alioth.debian.org
Tue Dec 13 12:32:14 UTC 2011

Feature Requests item #313473, was opened at 13/12/2011 13:32 by Arnaud Quette
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Arnaud Quette (aquette)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Add a "shutdown type" selection option 
Category: None
Group: None

Initial Comment:
(reported by Rich Wrenn)

upsdrvctl shutdown has no options.

In our case, we would like to be able to specify whether a shutdown.return or a shutdown.stayoff should be done as part the driver shutdown.

Linux is set up to do a uspdrvctl shutdown in the late stages of its shutdown, but in some cases we want the stayoff option.  As it stands today, we need to write a stand-alone program that connects to all UPS drivers and then sends the correct immediate command instead of issuing upsdrvctl shutdown.
I considered changing this myself, but it would involve adding the feature to each NUT driver that we use (currently only two).  The approach that I would take would be to define an environment variable that determines which kind of shutdown to do that is read by the NUT driver; if the environment variable is not defined or is set to shutdown.return then there is no change in behavior, but if it is set to shutdown.stayoff then that is done instead.  This way, there is no change to upsdrvctl or to the NUT driver API.


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