[nut-Bugs][312958] 'printf' calls used instead of 'snprintf' in NUT trunk code.

nut-bugs at alioth.debian.org nut-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jan 28 10:15:42 UTC 2011

Bugs item #312958, was changed at 2011-01-28 10:53 by Arjen de Korte
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>Status: Closed
>Priority: 1
Submitted By: prachi gandhi (prachi-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: 'printf' calls used instead of 'snprintf' in NUT trunk code. 
Category: Documentation
Group: None
>Resolution: Wont Fix

Initial Comment:
As per coding guidelines mentioned in developer.txt 'snprintf' should be used in code as it is provided with a compatibility module if the target host doesn't have it natively except in snprintf.c file. The attached log shows 'printf' calls used in NUT code. 


>Comment By: Arjen de Korte (adkorte-guest)
Date: 2011-01-28 11:15

This is stupid. You can't compare 'printf' (which is used for writing messages to stdout) with 'snprint' (which is used for writing formatted output to a string buffer).


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