[nut-Bugs][313395] apcsmart issue with USB-Serial adapter on Mac OS X

nut-bugs at alioth.debian.org nut-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Fri Oct 21 23:56:44 UTC 2011

Bugs item #313395, was opened at 2011-10-21 16:56 by Jesse Peterson
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Jesse Peterson (jessepeterson-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: apcsmart issue with USB-Serial adapter on Mac OS X 
Category: Driver
Group: None
Resolution: None

Initial Comment:
It appears as though the apcsmart driver does some checks to verify settings have been set on the serial port. This prevents it's use when using a Keyspan USA-19HS serial adapter.

The attached patch removes this check and allows the driver to connect to the UPS.

Thank you,
- Jesse


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