[PKG-OpenRC-Debian] Bug#758480: please close this bug and start over

richard lucassen mailinglists at lucassen.org
Tue Nov 18 22:00:19 UTC 2014

On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:15:20 +0100 Steven Chamberlain
<steven at pyro.eu.org> wrote:

Just my two cts:

- I installed Jessie 32 bit under proxmox. So far, so good.

- Then, I did a "qmrestore" (IOW: i copied the machine)

- I altered the MAC address of the machine (of course)

- Then I stumbled upon "waiting for /dev to be populated" on the copied
machine, not the original one.

I searched a bit and I found out that when I left the old eth0 entry
in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, the "waiting for /dev"
problem disappeared. Using eth1 instead of eth0 seemed to resolve the
"waiting for /dev to be populated" problem.

Finally, I found out the changing the "allow-hotplug eth0" stanza
in /etc/network/interfaces to a simple "auto eth0" resolved the problem.

Possibly this issue has nothing to do with the problem of the OP, but I
just wanted to mention it. The problem is reproducable BTW.


It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak
aloud and remove all doubt.

| Richard Lucassen, Utrecht                                        |

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